Category: Animals

Lets face it…you are making a huge investment into your future by storing food and supplies or maybe you just have enough to get by…but no matter where you live or how ‘clean’ you keep things, PESTS will find their way into your home and life.
In the following video by my partner in preparedness, Phil of VaCreepinOutdoors we look at a very simple and effective tool in controlling rodents and the difference between rats and mice (not that I personally see a difference between them, they all chew and spoil food, equipment and such).

Not for the faint of heart! A mouse is shown setting off a trap. And no, we didn’t set it up that way, it just happened that after filming the segment on the best trap (in our opinion anyways) that Mr.Mouse couldn’t resist the smells of peanut butter and we were there to film it.

Be sure to check out his other videos:

As another note…after we caught that one we heard another trap in my workshop go off and that one caught TWO mice in one shot…

I love the Snap-E Traps…bye bye mice!!!

more to come on rodent control!!

And just for giggles and grins…this guy from Jersey is too funny…reminds me of the song “I Can’t No Satisfaction” lol…beware of the language heehehhe

antsDing dong the ants are dead, the ants are dead, the ants are dead….okay, forgive my lapse into the Wizard of Oz, but an infestation of ants, even during good times isn’t funny. I get how important ants are in the grand scheme of things, in making the world go ‘round, but when I leave a pot of green beans on the stove and sit down, eat dinner and come back to clean up and the pot of green beans is being attacked en masse, well, Houston, we have a problem.

I keep a clean kitchen (okay, I have been known to leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight upon occasion) simply because I KNOW from living in low rent apartments how the insect world operates. But these ants, these ants were crazy. No matter how clean I kept things, no matter how fast I got things put away and put up, they came…in droves!

Went the conventional route, you know, bait traps, sprays, and then after 2 years of dealing with these suckers I broke down and went nuclear, calling in the exterminator. What I did not know or understand until a year ago when my wash machine decided to flood my home with water is that these buggers had made a MASSIVE nest in the insulation under my floor and in the walls…yep, you should have seen the guys who came out from Service Master RUN when they started pulling up the flooring that was ruined to remove insulation and such. Yeah, it was THAT BAD. My wash machine room and half of my kitchen (the insulation under the floor) had been turned into ant heaven. So, long and short, I thought removing their ‘nest’ ie the insulation the ants would disappear. (And I never did replace the insulation, why give them more nesting material?). And it worked, for the winter and into the spring and then the invaders came back…this time not only at the stove and kitchen sink, but the ants were literally coming out of the second bathroom bathtub faucet…sigh…yep…seriously…so out came the exterminator AGAIN. And they went away for a while and then came back with a vengeance a few months ago. At this point I am surprised I have hair left on my head trying to keep things clean, killing as needed (they even found the garbage CAN this time). So, knowing that the nice expensive exterminator didn’t work (no wonder why my Pitbull Maggie wanted to eat him and she LIKES everyone) I suffered and did what I could until a few days ago… hehehehehe…now I have NO visible ants and even tested the theory this morning by leaving yummy jelly on the counter top for a few hours…nope, not one ant!

Wanna know the secret?

Homemade ant bait…


See ants are funny, the ones you see, they get the food, take it home, feed it to other ants who then in turn make their ‘food’ and that feeds everyone, including the queen. Bingo! Everyone gets the yummy homicidal boric acid sugar food 🙂
Sorry if I seem a bit gleeful, but, me and these ants have gone round about for years now 🙂

So, what is the miracle for pennies?
Boric Acid (yep, that stuff you have heard that works for roaches)
Cotton Balls
Something to put the cotton balls in
Glass Jar

Here we go:
Put 1 cup HOT water into glass jar
Add 2 TBS Boric Acid
Shake WELL
Then add 1 cup of sugar to the boric acid/water mix and shake well again.

Soak the cotton balls in this solution and put the cotton balls on a small piece of wax paper, old soda bottle caps or whatever.

Next place several of these where you see the ants coming and going so they will quickly find it and take it home to mama.

Took less than 24hrs for me to make them disappear and the kids had fun watching the hordes get their ‘food’.

Scouting for Deer

As a new hunter I have learned ALOT from Phil just going out with him, well enough that I was able to find on my own (and trust me, I am NOT experienced at all)…well worth the watch if you are into archery or hunting for deer…it is well worth the effort to go out and scout before hunting to be more successful. Knowing animal behavior, habitat, etc. will provide for you and yours for years to come. Enjoy and be sure to subscribe to VaCreepinOutdoors on Youtube.

Just thought for fun these videos would be interesting:

I absolutely refused to look into the hole…I mean, leave sleeping animals lay right? But this past weekend we ran into a family out in Chick in Virginia and had one sit there and look around the tree at us totally unconcerned…as someone learning to hunt I am getting an education for sure. Habit is interesting…

This next one, well, it speaks for itself 🙂

Reminds me of my Mossin hahaha, except my Mossin fires and then refuses to eject sometimes 🙂