Archive for May, 2014

The recent tragedy in California where 3 young men were stabbed to death and 6 young women killed and 13 others wounded by a lone, young, marginalized, mentally unstable young man welding at least one firearm has once again, gotten anti-gun control proponents talking again.
I offer my sincerest sympathy and prayers to all the families and friend involved in this very sad event and wish that it had not occurred. This will leave scars for life on all concerned and involved, and I am truly sorry for your losses and pain that you now carry.

However, we, as individual people and as a society need to take a deep breath and really begin to look at what created the circumstances in which a young man could go so far as to kill at least 9 people and wound 13 others. And I mean, really take a LOOK. Not just at the ‘tools’ the young man chose to end the lives of many and his own (ie guns and a knife), but take a hard look at how we deal with mental illness (most often by sticking our heads in the sand or just giving them a pill or two to medicate them into a fog).

We, both as individuals and a society need to take a look at what created a young man who felt so isolated, alienated, confused and disenfranchised that his only recourse was to retreat into ineffective, self-defeating anger and hate who could not understand that it is society itself is as we now know it, is built upon the chase of unattainable beauty, wealth and status that few ever achieve, is the real problem, not the young women. We promote beauty, youth, material things to the nth degree, yet we at the same time, also promote Globalism and ‘diversity’ in all places and things we do. The environment and social/economic equality is of the utmost importance. The individual does not matter, but we all do! Kinda opposite things yes? Confusing to say the least. Chase the materialism and yet save the world and be kind to all no matter what.

We need to understand that we as adults have created young men and women who expect the world to be handed to them and that we are allowing, through media and our school systems, our young adults in the making, to be indoctrinated into group think and mob rule. Our culture on the whole is falling into this problem. Communitarianism (Global Group Think) and mob rule (where by if you express and opinion different that others you are immediately shut up by any and all means including hate speech, name calling, marginalization and isolation by the group as a whole). We have unwittingly (or perhaps knowingly) made being a male somehow ‘wrong’. But yet we honor the youthful, beautiful male as something to be desired. We praise the man who makes a lot of money, we honor him and what he can do. We teach young girls that they can be and do anything they like, but by the way, you also need to blonde, a size 0 and that the most desirable ‘male’ is tall, muscle bound and has lots of money.

Everyone is equal but everyone is different and this is a good thing.

We teach our young children that diversity is great and good and that bullying is wrong, that we should be all inclusive no matter what but then they (our children) figure out pretty quickly that in order to make it to the ‘top’ you have to pick and choose and pack up with those who look like you or something on that theme. And by the way, we have also taught our children to ‘speak up’, that they have the ‘right’ to be heard and say what they want without any real consequences because personal ‘rights’ (and that means opinions too) are paramount. Does anyone not understand that this creates unsolvable conflict among all? That rather than promoting ‘diversity’ and ‘equality’ that we are simply setting up our children into little ‘groups’ of ‘diversity’ that have a mob mentality because they ‘have rights too’? Just look at flash mobs if you don’t believe me.

Are you starting to the get the picture?

Let me color inside the lines a bit more so you can see more of the picture.

Our communities are being destroyed…that means families, friendships, group identification or it is such that we are put into ‘boxes’ of ‘community’ based upon stereotypes which are decried by all and yet encouraged by the policies of our government. Yes, I am speaking directly to the feminist movement and ‘gender equality’. I am sorry, but when we as women came out of the house back during World War II we went to work to support the men who were fighting. Yes, we as women are capable of doing great things on our own, heck, I own my own home and business by myself, but when we begin to chase the materialistic world we begin to fall into ‘traps’. Our children are raised by someone else, we know that the most ‘beautiful women’ get the highest amount of money and the best ‘things’ so we race to the gym and have created eating disorders all types. We dishonor our sons, fathers and husbands by putting ourselves and our NEEDS before theirs all in the name ‘equality’. And then wonder why we can’t find a husband or why so many young women are single mothers struggling to make ends meet. Don’t get me wrong here, I am all for being given the OPPORTUNITY to have the choices available to me and my own daughters. But I don’t buy into the hype that I get to wear the pants and that men are useless. But this is what is ingrained into our culture now in so many forms, from the loss of meaningful work to the war on poverty (I mean, we are women after all and can do it all, don’t NEED YOU MEN thank you very much.

So is it any wonder that boyfriends, husbands or men in general don’t stick around? After all, you can take care of yourself and don’t need ME you got it goin’ on GIRL!). Take a deep breath now…stop and think…we honor and admire ‘beautiful women’ by objectifying them. We have taught men, our young men, that ‘to get it’ is all we are good for to them, or that a woman who is not the model is somehow ‘less than’ (which is odd since we are ‘equal’). But I am digressing here. And not all boys or young men or adult men are like this. But I ask you to question the values we knowingly or unknowingly instill in our next generation and our own thinking. I am in no way saying that women belong in the kitchen or teaching only. But I do question just how far we have taken ‘raising women up’ and the toll it has taken on our country in the name of equality and social justice. We have created a culture where by the pursuit of beauty and materialism and/or entitlement has destroyed so much in terms of good relationships (with others and ourselves) that we are now facing a generation of young men and women who don’t know which end is up and have no guiding light in which to follow.

We have a culture in which drugs, sex and violence is glorified, but is frowned upon at the same time. We have a culture that is rapidly being turned upon each other in the name of ‘safety’, ‘the environment’ and ‘equality’ and ‘justice’. We are being manipulated into packs that fight amongst ourselves over trivial matters. We are spoon fed through the media what to think, what to do, how to do it, when to do it. We are made to believe that what we see on TV or here on the news or learn in school is the absolute TRUTH and our reality is or should be everyone else’s. But we have forgotten that we are not all the ‘same’ and while I believe in equal basic rights for all human beings, I am not buying into the game that we are indeed ‘all equal’. I know for sure I cannot be firefighter, though I know some women can. I understand some women are better suited to fighting than raising children, just as some men (like my #2 son) are excellent with children. But we are being forced into ‘diversity’ based upon ‘equality’ and ‘justice’ and all this does is create divisiveness, anger and finally…action. And increasingly that ‘action’ is in the form of some sort of violence or show of force against those perceived as the oppressors. But yet we are being groomed more and more into homogeneity…meaning we are equal, group think, mob rule. Nothing more, nothing less for anyone no matter what. How did this work in the past and right now? (think USSR, Nazi Germany, The EU).

I am just touching the tip of the iceberg here on what is going on. I am deeply troubled by what I see on youtube and facebook, especially how the 20 somethings and younger seem to think violence and mob rule or ‘their rights’ are somehow more important than another’s. That they can say and do anything because no one says NO. After all, we are free to do and be who we are right? That is equality and justice. We as adults see this and do nothing, say nothing, after all, that’s just how it is right? That’s just those kids.

Until a young man actually takes action on his rage of confusion and then, its all about the gun isn’t it?

Its all very sad and I pray that from this pain, we can all make a change.


The more I get into the great outdoors the more respect I have for the ‘old timers’ and am amazed that human beings, before organized agriculture survived and thrived enough to bring us to the point where we have 7 billion people on this planet.

Hunting, fishing, gardening, plant identification (wild edibles), and making do with what was found in your local environment…woah…lots of work, patience and knowledge is needed for it all! And HOMESTEADERS way back in the day did by themselves with knowledge learned the hard way (hit and miss, mostly miss) or learning by/from example through practical knowledge and know how learned from the elders or just from someone who has more miles than you do on a particular subject.


Personally, I prefer to learn the easy way…from others. The advent of printing and finally the internet we have access to so much information/knowledge that I believe many are falling prey to THINKING they know how to do something or could do it, after all, it all sounds so easy But applying that knowledge in a hands on situation is another matter entirely. Finding someone who already has that hands on know how, well, that can be a daunting task, but it sure makes it a lot easier, especially when you learn from someone who will let you learn how you need to learn instead of by a strict set of rules. Guidelines are great, ridgity is not when you are trying to learn a new skill, unless it’s a safety rule.


Case in point, my partner in crime who has had the pleasure of trying to teach me how to hunt and track has taken on the challenge of teaching me how to fish. Now, you might think that fishing is easy and honestly, its easier than hunting! But there are so many ‘things’ involved in being successful (you can see his posts here on fishing at VaCreepinOutdoors) that its crazy, at least to me, but on the otherhand, me being an herbalist/homeopath I am sure he feels the same way about trying to learn from me about what I do well. And sometimes, just plain luck is involved too. I have spent hours just learning how to cast the line and am now comfortable enough that I am practicing getting it under trees. VCO showed me the basics and then let me run with it. Even got a compliment Saturday that I actually looked like I knew what I was doing!


Well, we went out carp fishing this past weekend and he cast in, first cast he caught a channel cat. Here I am sitting going: ‘reel it in! reel it in!’ and to me it looks like he is playing with it, letting it run out, reeling it in, letting the fish run back out, reeling it back in. This went on for a few minutes with him telling me that he didn’t want to bring the fish in with it ‘still green’. What the HECK DID THAT MEAN???? It was a nice size catfish, big enough for eating (wound up releasing it) but why in the world did he let it run? I mean, you hook the thing and bring it in right? That’s what you do with blue gill and the other smaller fish so why not these bigger guys?


Fast forward an hour or so, we’re just standing there with bread on the hook doing not much but watching the line for movement (there is a trick to ‘hooking’ a fish too by the way) and I am thinking, screw this and told him “I bet if I sit down I’ll hook a carp” he laughed and said, ‘yeah, then you get to figure out how to stand up with that thing pulling!’ I thought, ‘whatever’ and proceeded to sit down and dang it, do you know that within minutes my line was busy running out really fast and I am sitting on the ground trying to reel who knows what back in from the sitting position? He’s telling me to let it run out and then reel back in and all I can think is ‘gotta land this sucker’. But I slowed down, followed his directions (kinda) and lo and behold, after a good fight out comes this 4 lb carp! Big fish, strong and a fighter. It was kinda fun, but man! Reeling that thing in was like trying to keep two pitbulls apart that wanted to fight each other.

So, I learned something…what it means to ‘not reel a fish in green’. It means that you let it wear itself out (kinda like putting the 2 year old outside to run around) before trying to bring it onto land. A fish flopping around crazy on the ground is not fun to get your hands on as many of them have fins that will cut you or the darn thing will flop back into the water (have that happen to me before). And getting the hook out so you can put it on a stringer…well, its better, easier and much less painful to let that fish wear itself out than to fight it on land too. Lesson learned about ‘green fish’. The fight was fun and now I am hooked, but next time, I will let it run and fight in the water until it almost gives up. And it was released. Yes, it was pretty small compared to what a lot of people catch size wise but lesson learned about big fish fishing…let them run, play with them. Much less tiring that way and you are less likely to get hurt and keep the fish too or get the hook out with minimal damage to the fish. Btw, I still let him take the hooks out if he’s around.


Just for fun…I learned there are no hard and fast rules about bait that day too, you can catch bass with bread. I did it that same day. VaCreepinOutdoors calls it top water fishing…but with bread? He said he’d never heard of such thing…guess the joke was on him that day. Granted it was only a 4 inch big mouth, but by bouncing the bread through the water, it jumped right on.


Have fun, get out there and learn! Now I gotta figure out how to get new line on the reel.